Lesson From Error Message
An error message indicating the error code number is directly visible when you open a web site usually indicates the cause of the problem. Following is a brief and general description so you can take steps as appropriate mitigation.
HTTP Error 503 - Service Unavailable
This error message indicates that the web server where your site is currently unable to handle HTTP requests from the browser because the server has exceeded the capacity limit set (or is overloaded).
HTTP Error 500 - Internal Server Error
For this error message, you are advised to check the messages contained in the error_log file contained in the logs folder reserved for hosting accounts. Inside errorl_log file available you will see the sequence of detailed information about errors that occurred including the date and time of occurrence of errors, error descriptions, and information that describes which files or folders which caused the error.
Below is some examples of common error messages and instructions on how to find the cause of the error messages that have been successfully obtained:
- [2007-12-19 01:43:32]: error: directory is writable by Others: (/ home / nama_user / htdocs /) This error is mentioned that under the htdocs folder nama_user folders can now be written or deleted by anyone (permissions 777). How to fix is to change the directory permissions status in the error message mentioned above (ie the user's htdocs directory nama_user). You can change the permissions on the folder using an FTP program or via the control panel cPanel> File Manager.Appropriate permissions for folders is 755 (or equal to the permissions owner = read, write, execute; permissions group = read, execute, and the permission Others = read, execute).
- [2007-12-19 01:43:32]: error: file has no execute permission: (/ home / nama_user / htdocs /) Same as before, the easiest way to fix the error above is to change the permissions on the folder using an FTP program . Appropriate permissions are 775.
- [2007-12-19 01:43:32] [client] (13) Permission denied: / home / nama_user / htdocs / Unable to check htaccess file, it is readable ensur This error message associated with the file. Htaccess file contained in the htdocs folder. How to fix this error is to change the htdocs folder and file permissions. Htaccess to 755.
HTTP Error 403 Forbidden
For this error it is suggested that you check the messages contained in folders contained in the error_log logs. Here are some examples of common error messages that causes the error appearance on screen browser and how to find the instructions cause the error.
- [Wed Dec 19 02:13:24 2007] [error] [client] Directory InDEC forbidden by rule: / home / nama_user / htdocs / This error message appears when a visitor tries to open your site but the files that should exist in the index htdocs folder was not there. At the same time it gives a chance your web server with the parameter "Indexes" does not operate. If you do not want to drop any index file in your DocumentRoot folder but you want to display a list of available files in that folder, create a file. Htaccess in the htdocs folder whose contents are as follows:
Options + Indexes
In general, web hosting companies do not allow you to upload files. Htaccess keserverr via FTP. The easiest trick by uploading htaccess files first (without the trailing dot) keserver, then rename it to htaccess file. Htaccess via FTP program.
HTTP Error 404 - Not Found
There are two causes of the emergence of this error message, namely:
- You open the page you wanted is not there yet in place or you have uploaded. We recommend that you check whether the link contained within the website are correct, and pages that have been targeted by those links are in loksi properly.
- The presence in the function kesalaha SEF / SEO (search engine friendly) on your application. If your web site using the application Content Management System (CMS) like Joomla or Mambo free, there are some special functions that must be executed within the application to produce a web site address yng friendly to search engines or "Search Engine Friendly URLs". The trick is to use. Htaccess file. Error occurs when. Htaccess file has errors in the content, or content. Htaccess file is not understood by the web server so it can not be processed and generated error messages above.
HTTP Error - Bad Gateway
This error message occurs when one of the servers involved in the process of web access kesitus you are having problems go. This is generally not caused by the program in the visitors, but beside the applications / scripts on web servers, or networks to the ISP's server or on the side. Although the cause of the problem does not occur on the side of the NDA, we recommend you do the following things:
- Trying to repeat the access to your web site to refresh, or typing the address directly.
- If you're not in a hurry, you can try accessing your web site after mengunggu few moments. SBR only briefly, because the problem is probably not your own, and the ISP or web hosting company already knows this problem and is currently working to resolve sedag.
- If the above error occurs when you try to script cgi / perl / php, please double-check the syntax-syntax scripts. In our experience, cgi scripts / perl / php that has a syntax error can also generate an error message as above at the time of the execution.
- If you already can not wait long, remain contact us to resolve this problem.
Web Site Shows PHP Error Message Warning
Messages warning / error that appears in the PHP web site usually show clearly the direct cause. To fix it, you just follow the instructions listed in the error message.
You certainly have mastered the PHP programming if the error associated with these lines in the program. However, if the message is a warning message appears, then you can disable the warning message to the PHP functions via web hosting control panel. Hali also requires knowledge of PHP.
If at some point, your PHP file shows a blank page when opened, the likelihood of error when processing a PHP file and web servers cover the error message by displaying a blank page. You can ask the technician to change the way web hosting web server displays an error message in your PHP script by changing the parameters while PHP on the PHP configuration file "php.ini" namely:
Error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = On
So you can clearly see the error message to fix the cause of the error.
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