Bussines Email

In addition to self carriage and appearance, it turns out the way someone writes an e-mail can reveal his personality. Here are some guidelines on writing e-mails to keep you look professional.

1. Send a follow-up confirmation
If you and your co-worker or boss just finished agree on a decision directly, but no minutes, she quickly wrote down the results in the electronic mail to be sent to that person. It is important to prevent misunderstandings, disagreements, and forgetfulness. Confirm the decision in written form to ensure everyone has in common and make sure everything terbahas to prevent mistakes in the future.

2. Editing yourself
For important papers, always make sure you double check for typos before you send it at least once. For more definitive results, before being sent, try printing in paperback form, then read it again. Kritislah on your own writing. Is there a wrong letter, wrong use of the phrase, until the possibility of misunderstanding.

3. Think before sending
There are some people who are often fueled by emotion when responding to e-mail will be controversial or potentially trigger argument. You will recall the case Prita Mulyasari and Luna Maya, right? They write comments in a form that is less wear for the other side so that eventually culminate unpleasant. If you would reply to the electronic mail that could potentially trigger anger and try to write what you want to say, once completed, should not be sent. Leave the writing up to one hour, while you do other things away from your computer. After one hour, reread your letter. Estimate and ask yourself, whether you write the answer was pretty professional, productive, do not harm anyone, and provide benefits for others? If yes, please tell. If not, please click the delete button.

4. Respect BCC
BCC, which is under the column e-mail address stands for the purpose of blind carbon copy. That is, when you write the destination address in the section, then that address will not be visible in your e-mail address of the recipient. When you receive an e-mail from someone else, and your e-mail address is not visible in the list of submissions, this means that the sender does not want anyone else to know that you get an e-mail. Unfortunately, many people respond to e-mail quickly, so they do not realize that they're hiding their involvement. To protect yourself and the sender, do not respond to the letter sent to you in the form of BCC. And always make sure that your involvement has been known publicly before responding to e-mail group.

5. Count on politeness in sending any response
For important letters, it would be expected to reply. When you receive an important letter, and the sender asked for confirmation, send a notice that you've received the letter. However, this does not mean that every letter you received from your colleagues have responded. Your colleagues will also be upset if your e-mail inbox it just contains the letter of confirmation that you've received an e-mail from him. You who know better, what and when necessary response.

6. Do not involve emotions
The workplace is a place to do business. Should the content of e-mails about work, professional and businesslike in nature. Remember that some companies have policies to monitor e-mails sent and sent.

7. Do not accustomed to using the feature "reply all"
The only reason to reply to a chain e-mail to all the people who sent (thread) is because you have information you want sent to all members of the group. Quite often the person who sent replies to the reply all feature, not a message is too important for everybody. Usually only to the sender's interests first. Well, other people have to find your inbox full of e-mail messages are not important for him to feel disturbed. Worse, the habit of using this feature is prone to disclose information that should have never known the other party. Get used to only electronic mail reply to the sender first chain only.

8. Do not send personal e-mail through a business account
Your company has the right to read all forms of communication that occurs through the channel. This means, all e-mails that contain expressions of love, a complaint to the boss, or any other personal things should be done through personal accounts only. Plus, you can be judged as being lazy, if there are colleagues who judge you are personally engaged in work hours.

9. Do not communicate everything in writing
Often, we, urban people depend on electronic facilities, thereby limiting social interactions. Occasionally, try to set the time to discuss with your colleagues directly.

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